Storms can pose significant risks to household and business electronics if adequate safeguards are not in place. Thunderstorms, with their powerful lightning strikes, can send surges of electrical energy through power lines, potentially damaging or destroying sensitive electronic devices. Additionally, severe weather conditions often come with unstable power supply, leading to frequent fluctuations and blackouts, which can harm electronics. Protecting electronics with the right measures is crucial to mitigate the risks and ensure the longevity of these valuable assets during adverse weather conditions. Here are some tips to help you avoid these situations!

  • Invest in high-quality surge protectors and use them for all sensitive electronic devices. Surge protectors help absorb and divert excess voltage during power surges, safeguarding your electronics.
  • Unplug your electronic devices during thunderstorms or severe weather conditions. Lightning strikes and power fluctuations can cause sudden surges through electrical lines, posing a risk to your devices. It’s best to disconnect them until the weather stabilizes.
  • Overloading outlets with too many devices can increase the risk of power surges. Spread your electronics across multiple outlets to prevent excessive strain on the electrical system.
  • Consider installing dedicated circuits for high-powered electronics such as refrigerators, air conditioners, or home theater systems. This helps isolate them from other appliances and reduces the likelihood of power surges affecting them.
  • Ensure that your home’s electrical system is in good condition. Periodically have a professional inspect and maintain the electrical wiring, outlets, and circuit breakers to minimize the risk of power surges.
  • Make sure your home’s electrical system is properly grounded. Proper grounding provides a path for excess electricity to dissipate, reducing the chances of a power surge.
  • If you need to perform electrical work in your home, it’s advisable to hire a qualified electrician. Incorrect wiring or improper installations can lead to power surges and pose a threat to your electronics.
  • Consider using an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for critical devices like computers or home entertainment systems. A UPS provides battery backup during power outages and also acts as a surge protector.
  • Check your insurance policy to see if it covers damage caused by power surges. If not, consider adding surge protection coverage to protect your valuable electronics.
  • Teach everyone in your household about the importance of avoiding power surges. Encourage them to unplug devices during storms or follow safe practices to minimize the risk of electrical damage.
  • Make sure to keep your electronics at least 2 inches off of the ground in case of flooding!

Need help making sure you are all set in the case of storms? Call us at 704-663-1238 so we can help you protect your devices!